Free Download: SWW – “Close To The Equator”

26 Mar


As snow has gripped a fair amount of this fair and freezing land once again, and the rest of us have been left checking appendages to make sure they haven’t broken off in the cold (we’re talking fingers and toes here people), the idea of being “Close To The Equator” is extremely appealing.

To be in a place where “Sweat drops/Body rocks/Waves crash/Sparks flash” as Sarah Williams White, aka SWW puts it; sipping cool cocktails with our toes dipped in the pool. Bliss. Without question, as we sit here in our many thousands of layers, we would much rather be in a place as hot and sticky as her latest offering sounds. The only coolness of the shade comes from Sarah’s soft vocals, clinking and melting in our pina colada. “Close To The Equator” has a kind of tribal and funky vibe seeping through it like the sun’s rays onto the hot sand. A bit like lounge music on acid with its jazzyfied shaker, percussion and keys action going on, it’s a tropical delight.

Take a look at the retro-cinematic video below and go get your free download here, and feel the temperature rise immediately.

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One Response to “Free Download: SWW – “Close To The Equator””

  1. name not supplied April 14, 2013 at 02:25 #

    not sure the video does the song justice, but there we go

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