Tag Archives: Coldharbour Road

Tracks Of My Teens: Melis

23 Sep

Welcome once again to our occasional feature where we delve and rummage in the psyche of some of our favourite musical people. This week we have a very special treat as the divine Melis celebrates the release of her latest, oh-so magical, tune “Sober (Over You)” by sharing three tracks of her teens. More about “Sober (Over You)” follows but first, enjoy Melis’ selection of important and favourite songs from her younger days.

The Libertines – “Music When The Lights Go Out”

I was 12 years old when this song came out. It was the first thing I learned to play on my guitar which makes it special to me and to this day I adore it. The songwriting is amazing. I was always mesmerized by the UK indie music scene, back in that time it was all about the british ‘boys in the bands’ and I loved it. Pete Doherty was the worlds’ best poet/writer, and generally, it’s around that time I first started to realize that I wanted to write music, too. It’s also where my obsession with moving to England came from. I followed that dream straight after finishing high school.

Stornoway – ”Coldharbour Road”

I was 16, it was Easter 2012 and my BFF Cassie showed me this song. I remember having it on repeat, walking around the city (Prague) and balling my eyes out like a real teenager. This song touched me in a way a very few in my life had. I still feel something when I listen to it, despite having heard it so many times. The whole Beachcomber’s Windowsill album is amazing, actually. It’s on my all time faves list. I felt very connected with the emotions they captured through the heart-warming instrumentation and vocals. I was really sad when the band announced their split last year.

Cold War Kids – “We Used To Vacation”

I have a wonderful memory hearing this song for the first time. I was in Lübeck, Germany with some lovely people I met in a music competition I had participated in. We all came from different countries but the love for music connected us. After a long day, a couple of us went out to a very cool indie pub (I think it was called Sternschnuppe. I wonder if it’s still there..?) We were all underage but they served us beer anyway. As we were drinking and talking, the room was illuminated by fairy lights. They were playing one amazing song after another. Until then, I had never experienced such a great atmosphere. As far as I knew, there wasn’t a place like this in Prague. I felt like I fit in there, which was really nice. As this song came on, one of the guys told me it was Cold War Kids. It’s a simple but powerful memory, thinking back of how uninhibitedly naive and young we were…

A huge thank you to Melis for taking part and taking us on such a fun and personal trip down her memory lane. Thanks as well for continuing to make and share such gorgeous music as “Sober (Over You)”. Her voice is utterly heavenly. A pure crystalline gem of rare beauty, as she sings these heartfelt lyrics, it thaws the crisp and icy electronics to reveal an added, hidden layer and depth. From moments of minimalist, jewelry box melodies building to rich and full synths and sharp digital production, the whole thing is yet another example of why so many people are (rightly) getting so excited about Melis’ solo career.

”Sober (Over You)” is taken from Melis’ debut EP, ‘Parallels’, which is available for pre-order now.

Get to know Melis: Facebook / Twitter