Wednesday Evening Earworm

22 Feb

Welcome back to the second in an occasional series where we share the tracks that have been ingrained into our very being for the last few days. These are the tracks, old or new, that just won’t leave us alone. We love them, so we want to share them so you can love them too.

We’ve got four great songs for you this week, so settle down, enjoy and let us know which one gets stuck in your head.

Perfume Genius – “Hood”

First up is the lead off single from Mike Hadreas’s sophomore album, Put Your Back N 2 It, (out this week on Matador/Turnstile) is just beautiful. It’s so simple, so elegant and emotive and of course, so very catchy. More often than not this week, we’ve found ourselves singing “You would never call me baby” in the most random of places. We’ve got some pretty funny looks as a result, but it’s worth it, the song is amazing.

Sugar – “Hoover Dam”

We’re going to go back, way back now, all the way to 1992 for our favourite, but perhaps the least celebrated, Bob Mould incarnation, Sugar. This came into our head when we got all excited about the announcement that Mould will be playing Copper Blue, in its entirety, at a show in London later this year. We have to admit, we got more than a little excited when we heard about that!

The Airborne Toxic Event – “Sometime Around Midnight”

This is one of our favourite break up songs of all time. We love the way the track grows, with sound and energy building to match the raw, tumultuous emotion brought about by unexpectedly seeing an ex.

Sameblod – “Kick It Out”

We first heard of Sweden’s Sameblod, whilst perusing the brilliant poule d’or site a few weeks back. To say we were blown away would be an understatement. We just love the chilled out, precision sounds of this electronic indie act. Incredibly, Sameblod was only ‘born’ in 2011 and we expect a debut full length this year. If you dig this track, click through to buy the full, Our Future EP.

4 Responses to “Wednesday Evening Earworm”

  1. HEN February 23, 2012 at 00:09 #

    thanks for the link-up! 🙂

    • Adam H February 23, 2012 at 00:11 #

      No problem. Thanks for introducing me to such great music.

      • HEN February 23, 2012 at 22:57 #


  2. name not supplied March 6, 2012 at 20:47 #

    I love these tracks, Copper Blue reminds me of Biology lessons, me and my mate listening to his walkman (by snapping off the ear portion of his over the head earphones) good times 🙂

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