Tag Archives: Prides

Prides – Born To Be Whole

8 Feb

As you sit at your computer of an evening, ever so slightly buzzed from a couple of midweek rums and staring blankly at a page with words that just won’t appear, you find yourself in need of something inspiring, something uplifting and something damn good. The new single from Prides very nearly slipped under our radar but thankfully, it and its big arms-flung-wide-spinning-around-euphorically sound is here to drag us out of this funk.

It feels like an absolute age since we last heard from the Glasgow pair (which is largely our own fault) and their return is extremely welcome. While the weather may still be largely sub-zero here in the UK, the nights are getting shorter and “Born To Be Whole” is like a bright shaft of sunlight breaking through the gloom.

Light and atmospheric in sound, there is a rousing anthemic quality to get lost in, to be raised up upon and to sing along unashamedly to. The synths are bright and bold as they swell into the chorus, bouncing infectiously and enthusiastically. The vocals, with that oh-so-endearing Scottish lilt, are warm and welcoming and the beat is compulsive and shoulder-dancingly good.

We’re a fair way from summer but this festival ready synth-pop is already getting us in the mood.

”Born To Be Whole” is taken from the forthcoming Prides EP, ‘A Mind Like The Tide pt.2’ which is due for release on 30 March and available for pre-order here.

Get to know Prides: Website / Facebook / Twitter

Prides – “Cold Blooded”

27 Feb


Glasgow has, in recent years, been shedding its reputation as a rough and dangerous place to live in or visit. The stereotypical hard-nut Scot who’d give that special type of intimate affection that was more forehead than tongue has been consigned to the annals of history and lazy caricatures, instead Glasgow is forging a new path and new reputation, one that could well be as the most synthy of all synth-pop cities.

Their brethren, Chvrches, have already stepped out and stepped up to take the world by storm and now Glasgow’s Prides stand ready for their shot. Having only formed last year they already have some fairly heavyweight support as well as they are signed to Island Records and co-managed by Radio 1’s Ally McCrae. The trio of Stewart, Callum and Lewis has recently released an EP The Seeds You Sow, from which the fantastically vast “Cold Blooded” is taken.

Ok, so we have been a little disingenuous to Prides, yes they are from Glasgow and yes they make synth-pop music, but there are not Chvrches wannabes nor are they riding the coattails of their neighbours. Yes they both wear their 80s influences clearly on their sleeves, but Prides make music that is much more anthemic, more expansive and festival friendly. “Cold Blooded” in particular is ready made for a field of people to bounce up and down in the sun while enthusiastically bellowing the words back at the guys on stage.

It’s exuberant and bold; if John Hughes made music, it would probably go something a bit like this. It’s an aural brat pack ensemble where guitars, drums and synths fling off their jeans jackets and dance on tables while flashing dazzling white smiles and winking at the girls below. It’s hookalicious and while those John Hughes girls will be going week at the knees, it’s masculine enough to have the guys loving it at the back of the room as well.

Prides ‘The Seeds You Sow’ EP is out now and available from iTunes.

Stalk Prides: Website / Facebook / Twitter

Blogathon: Thank You & What’s In The Box Special

1 Feb

Whats In The Box

Here we are then, 24 hours of solid blogging done and dusted and a lot of money raised for Cancer Research. On Alphabet Bands there have been 32 posts, each containing some super quality music and not as much ramble or gubbins as we expected in the writing.

Between us, Breaking More Waves and Alphabet Bands have been sponsored to the tune of £1,355.66 which we think you’ll agree, is pretty good for two blokes jabbering on about music.

But there is still time to donate, still time to help us boost that total further up. If you’d been thinking about donating but thought you’d missed your chance, you haven’t. If you’ve enjoyed reading and listening to what we have written over the last 24 hours, you can still make it even more worthwhile by adding an extra pound or two to the pile.

Just push this lovely big button and follow the simple instructions.

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!

Despite 24 hours seeming like an eternity, and it did at a couple of points in the night, we now feel like we’ve actually run out of time and there was still so many tunes we wanted to share with you.

So, to finish off, here’s a very special edition of What’s In The Box which, for the only time ever, will feature just the one line about each track. Sorry about that but they are great tracks.

We hope you enjoy the music.

Before we get to the tunes though, we wanted to take a moment to say thank you.

Thank you to everyone who has read a post, listened to a track, watched a video, enjoyed it and shared it. Thank you to all the artists, labels and PRs who have shared content with us especially for the Blogathon. For the premieres, for the interview, for the exclusives, for the free downloads and for the pictures that you gave us, thank you.

Thank you to everyone who has been in touch with us over the 24 hours. To everyone who emailed, tweeted, commented, texted or facebooked us to say hi or offer words of appreciation. We couldn’t have done it without your support and encouragement, you’re amazing and we love you.

Thank you especially to Robin at Breaking More Waves. This was his idea, he deserves the credit, we were just along for the ride to keep him company and boost the total as best we can. Well done Robin, we’re proud of you.

Lastly, to those of you who sponsored us. You’re our favourites of them all.


Thank You!

There’s still time to donate and become one of our favourites. Go for it.

Until next time, we’re off to get some sleep.

Prides – “The Seeds You Sow”

Anthemic synth pop from Glasgow, not to be confused with Chvrches but full of energy, infectious hooks and big, confident melodies.

Beginnings – “Sports”

Retro sounding electro-pop from Arizona.

Waylayers – “Medicine”

Atmospheric synthpop with a dark and slightly sinister edge from one of our blog favourites, with a vast explosion of light at its denoument.

Longfellow – “Siamese Lover”

With elements of U2 and Snow Patrol, “Siamese Lover” is a cavalcade of pop sounds dressed with the complexities of love and life packaged together in a rousing 4 minute tune.

Model Aeroplanes – “Innocent Love”

Bright and bouncy radio friendly pop from a bunch of young guys full of exuberance and energy.

NONONO – “Hungry Eyes”

Hook heavy and rousing pop monster from one of ourtips for 2014 (not a cover version btw).

This post was written as part of a 24 Hour Sponsored Blogathon for Cancer Research. If you liked this post or just want to help support an important charity, please sponsor us. Just £1 can help make a difference. You can sponsor us here or by clicking the big button below. Thank you for your support.

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!