Tag Archives: Dream-Folk

Listen: Saskatchewan – “Conclusion”

29 Jan


Before Google, Saskatchewan was one of those places we’d heard of, always thought sounded cool in an odd and intriguing kind of way, but actually knew nothing about. Now though we know it is a prairie province in Canada that borders the states and has cities with ridiculously brilliant names like Moose Jaw, Yorkton, Swift Current and North Battleford. Google focused on geography though and it did not tell us (immediately) that it is also the name of a rather captivating band from Florida, not Canada, oddly.

The brain child of Chandler Strang, Saskatchewan is a collection of like minded musicians that includes Day Joy singer, Michael Serrin (a former member, Serrin has just rejoined the band) which, given our love of Day Joy, was reason enough to get excited about what the guys have to offer. While he doesn’t feature on “Conclusion” (it was recorded before he re-joined the band), it does have a similar ethereal and dreamy feel to it.

Like the birth of spring after a long, hard winter, “Conclusion” is like a beginning, an awakening. Vocals, drums and synths stir the senses with a controlled power and swirling beauty. The light touches the ground and colours peek through as the frosted blanket thaws and flowers are roused from their slumber. It’s an ascent on the ear like a sunrise is to the eye, it’s captivating.

Stalk Saskatchewan: Website / Facebook / Twitter

Listen: Feral & Stray – “One for Sorrow (Two For Joy)”

28 Oct

Feral and Stray

With The Great Storm of 2013 supposedly whipping all around us (it’s still relatively calm as we write this) and causing carnage across the UK, it’s probably best to stay in, close the curtains, snuggle up warm under a duvet or in front of a fire and let some gentle and beautiful sounds wash over you.

Built around Canadian singer-songwriter Erin Lang, Feral & Stray are a collective of musicians whose line-up is pretty fluid, much like the ebbing tide of their delicate folky dream-pop. Their latest track, “One for Sorrow (Two For Joy)” (which is taken from their forthcoming album, Between You And The Sea) is perfect for a day where tumultuous weather rages outside.

As even Dorothy thinks twice about stepping out to rescue Toto, Lang’s breathy, whispered vocals will provide a much more tranquil soundtrack to your day, though still with a little darkness imbued within, just to match the empyrean beauty of the storm clouds above.

Delicate guitars ring out like tranquil Himalayan chimes before “One For Sorrow…” opens out, expands like the light of a mountain sunrise reaching out across vast valleys, plunging down into whispering chasms of vocals and rising up slopes of percussion, horns and strings. Gradually the day passes and soon sunset is upon us as the track winds down with just the last glimmer of vocal lingering in our mind.

Feral & Stray’s new album, ‘Between You And The Sea’ is released on 1 November and can be pre-ordered here.

Stalk Feral & Stray:
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Introducing: Day Joy

21 Jan

Day Joy

In our time writing about music over the last couple of years, both here and elsewhere, we have learnt that are a few undeniable truths. Justin Bieber fans are certifiably bonkers, there is more music to listen to than there are hours in the day and if Small Plates Records sign a band, it’s because they are fantastic.

Enter then Day Joy, a recent addition to the Small Plates roster and craftsmen of fine dreamy folk music. Based in Orlando, the group began as the duo of Michael Serrin and Peter Michael Perceval III ”writing on the porch late at night” but has since grown to a five-piece and even moved indoors (to the lounge apparently) to write and record.

They say that it was the result of the move, and some liquor, that their sound ”developed into the lush and layered recordings you hear now”. Regardless of the cause, the outcome is one we should all be rejoicing. Songs trickle gently along, rippling before they unexpectedly swell and rise; lifting you high and carrying you away on a beautiful tide of delicate emotion.

Their spectral melodies create a sense of blurriness, like the world seen through rain speckled glasses. Your mind is distorted and made fuzzy by the echoing, swirling sounds and vocals as they shimmer and float on the breeze. Amongst the haze and the echo, bubbling elements of folk, country and pop can be heard, along with subtle but persuasive rhythms, strings and synths. It is a heady and intoxicating combination and getting lost within this dreamy soundscape, as the world passes by unnoticed and unblemished, is a dangerously easy thing to do.

Day Joy’s debut album, Go To Sleep Mess, is out on 12 February via Small Plates Records and can be pre-ordered here.

Stalk Day Joy: Facebook / Twitter /Bandcamp /SoundCloud /Big Cartel

Free Download: And The Giraffe – “Darling (Reprise)”

5 Jul

Following up a critically acclaimed debut release is never easy, some bands strive to recreate the sound exactly while others decide to go in a completely new direction and hope their fans will go with them. Others just get on with it and do what they do best, make music that sounds good. And The Giraffe (our ‘A’ don’t forget) fall into the latter category.

Sure, technically their latest offering is a cover version but it is flipping lovely to listen to. Nick Roberts and Josh Morris really do have something going here, they work so well and sound so good together, complimenting each other delightfully. Their dream-folk take on Magic Man’s “Darling (Reprise)” is splendidly mellow and gentle and will tide us over nicely while we await more new sounds from the pair. Listen and download the track for free below.

Released in 2010 on the debut Magic Man album, Real Life Colour, you can listen to the original here.

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’A’ is for And The Giraffe
Watch: New Video From And the Giraffe – “Underground Love”

Stalk And The Giraffe

Watch: New Video From And the Giraffe – “Underground Love”

11 Jan

You only have to take a look at our Alphabet to know we love And the Giraffe, and we wrote that when we only had their music to go on! Now the duo have added pictures to their sounds and the result is every bit as beautiful and captivating.

Directed by Harrison Sanborn, the video was shot over two days in LA and tells the tale of a boy, a girl (well a few girls but not like that) and a present. It perfectly mirrors the warm charm and simple elegance of the track, and it would be remiss of us if we did not note the inclusion of just the most fabulous shot of a ferris wheel you’re likely to see.

Watch the video below and don’t forget to tell us what you think.

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